For Further Exploration

Note: Resources about exoplanets are provided in Chapter 21.


Meteors and Meteorites

Alper, J. “It Came from Outer Space.” Astronomy (November 2002): 36. On the analysis of organic materials in meteorites.

Beatty, J. “Catch a Fallen Star.” Sky & Telescope (August 2009): 22. On the recovery of meteorites from an impact that was seen in the sky.

Durda, D. “The Chelyabinsk Super-Meteor.” Sky & Telescope (June 2013): 24. A nice summary, with photos and eyewitness reporting.

Garcia, R., & Notkin, G. “Touching the Stars without Leaving Home.” Sky & Telescope (October 2008): 32. Hunting and collecting meteorites.

Kring, D. “Unlocking the Solar System’s Past.” Astronomy (August 2006): 32. Part of a special issue devoted to meteorites.

Rubin, A. “Secrets of Primitive Meteorites.” Scientific American (February 2013): 36. What they can teach us about the environment in which the solar system formed.

Evolution of the Solar System and Protoplanetary Disks

Jewitt, D., & Young, E. “Oceans from the Skies.” Scientific American (March 2015): 36–43. How did Earth and the other inner planets get their water after the initial hot period?

Talcott, R. “How the Solar System Came to Be.” Astronomy (November 2012): 24. On the formation period of the Sun and the planets.

Young, E. “Cloudy with a Chance of Stars.” Scientific American (February 2010): 34. On how clouds of interstellar matter turn into star systems.


Meteors and Meteorites

American Meteor Society: For serious observers.

British and Irish Meteorite Society:

Center for Meteorite Studies: This Center at Arizona State University has information for beginners under the tab “Meteorites.”

Meteorites from Mars: A listing and links from the Jet Propulsion Lab.

Meteors and Meteor Showers: From Astronomy magazine.

Meteors: A collection of articles on meteor observing from Sky & Telescope magazine.

Nine Planets Meteorites and Meteors Page:

Some Interesting Meteorite Falls of the Last Two Centuries:

Evolution of the Solar System and Protoplanetary Disks

Circumstellar Disk Learning Site: By Dr. Paul Kalas.

Disk Detective Project: The WISE mission is asking the public to help them find protoplanetary disks in their infrared data.


Meteors and Meteorites

Meteorites and Meteor-wrongs: Video with Dr. Randy Korotev of Washington U. in St. Louis (7:05).

Rare Meteorites from London’s Natural History Museum: A tour of the meteorite collection with curator Caroline Smith (18:22). Also see a short news piece about a martian meteorite: (2:54).

What Is a Meteor Shower (and How to Watch Them): Top tips for watching meteor showers from the At-Bristol Science Center (3:18).

Evolution of the Solar System and Protoplanetary Disks

Origins of the Solar System: Video from Nova ScienceNow narrated by Neil deGrasse Tyson (13:02).

Where Do Planets Come From?: Public talk by Anjali Tripathi in March 2016 in the Center for Astrophysics Observatory Nights Series (56:14).

This book was adapted from the following: Fraknoi, A., Morrison, D., & Wolff, S. C. (2016). For Further Exploration In Astronomy. OpenStax. under a Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
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