Biology:A Human Approach:GT-SC1

Credits 4


Develops a basic knowledge of the structure and function of the human body by studying the body’s structure as a series of interrelated systems. Includes cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, reproductive and urinary systems, and genetics. Emphasizes disease prevention and wellness. This course includes laboratory experience. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-SC1 category.

Required Course Learning Outcomes (Competencies)

  • Describe homeostasis and the interrelatedness of the body systems.
  • Identify the major body systems and their function(s).
  • Identify the components and their function of the major body systems.
  • Identify the basic components of disease prevention and wellness of each body system.
  • Describe the basic role of genetics in health and disease.

Topical Outline

I.     Scientific method
II.    Levels of biological organization
III.   Anatomical terms, directions, cavities, and position
IV.    Homeostasis and disease
V.     Basic chemistry
VI.    Introduction to cells
VII.   Histology
VIII.  Integumentary system
IX.    Digestive system
X.     Metabolism and nutrition
XI.    Cardiovascular system
XII.   Lymphatic system
XIII.  Immune system
XIV.   Urinary system
XV.    Muscular system
XVI.   Skeletal system and articulations
XVII.  Endocrine system
XVIII. Senses
XIX.   Nervous system
A.  Central
B.  Autonomic
C.  Peripheral
XX.   Reproductive system
XXI.  Development and genetics


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Biology: A Human Approach by Molly Ostwald is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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