Book Title: Colorado Online – HIS1310 Western Civilization: Antiquity-1650: GT-HI1

Subtitle: Includes Volumes I, II & III

Author: Christopher Brooks

Book Description:

Western Civilization: A Concise History​ is an Open Educational Resource textbook covering the history of Western Civilization from approximately 8,000 BCE to 2017 CE.

The adaptation of Volumes 1 and 2 includes additional video resources as well as interactive materials created by Colorado Community Colleges Online

Volume 1: from the origins of civilization in Mesopotamia c. 8,000 BCE through the early Middle Ages in Europe c. 1,000 CE. Volume 1 covers topics including Mesopotamia,Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Islamic caliphates, and the early European Middle Ages.

Volume 2: from the early Middle Ages to the French Revolution in 1789 CE. Volume 2 covers topics including the High Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the European conquest of the Americas, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment.

Volume 3: from the Napoleonic era to the recent past. Volume 3 covers topics including the Industrial Revolution, the politics of Europe in the nineteenth century, modern European imperialism, the world wars, fascism, Nazism, and the Holocaust, the postwar era, the Cold War, and recent developments in economics and politics.

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Book Information

Book Description

Western Civilization: A Concise History​ is an Open Educational Resource textbook covering the history of Western Civilization from approximately 8,000 BCE to 2017 CE.

  • Volume 1: from the origins of civilization in Mesopotamia c. 8,000 BCE through the early Middle Ages in Europe c. 1,000 CE. Volume 1 covers topics including Mesopotamia,Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Islamic caliphates, and the early European Middle Ages.
  • Volume 2: from the early Middle Ages to the French Revolution in 1789 CE. Volume 2covers topics including the High Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the European conquest of the Americas, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment.
  • Volume 3: from the Napoleonic era to the recent past. Volume 3 covers topics including the Industrial Revolution, the politics of Europe in the nineteenth century, modern European imperialism, the world wars, fascism, Nazism, and the Holocaust, the postwar era, the Cold War, and recent developments in economics and politics.


Christopher Brooks




Colorado Online – HIS1310 Western Civilization: Antiquity-1650: GT-HI1
Christopher Brooks
Colorado Community College System and Colorado Online
Colorado Community College System and Colorado Online

This reading was adapted from The Western Civilization: A Concise Edition, Volume 1 and 2 at the Open Textbook Library. This project is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 and has been remixed with supplementary material to adapt for Colorado Online.

The original work is available from Chris Brooks’ Portland University web page.

Primary Subject
Colorado Online
Publication Date
March 23, 2023