Introduction to the HIS1110 eText

Introduction to the HIS1110 eText

Throughout this course you will be reading through this Interactive eText that will be your resource in completing your assignments. Please be sure to refer to the course schedule to see what chapters you should be reading and assignment due dates.


This reading was adopted from World History: Cultures, States, and Societies to 1500. by Dohlenga, GA: University of North Georgia Press, 2018 is licensed under CC BY 4.0 and has been remixed with supplementary material to adapt for CCConline.

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CCCOnline’s eText has been adapted and reorganized carefully to meet the outcomes and competencies established by CCCS and gtPathways. As such, CCCOnline has incorporated a lot of additional material and has excluded some material from the original eText deemed unnecessary. Not all Figures and Maps from the original eText are included, but the numbering of said images from the original eText remains. Thus it is possible that Figures and Maps appear out of order or not at all. When students refer to these images, they should reference the numbering system included in the image description regardless of page or module within the CCCOnline eText. For example, when referring to Map 1.2, students would reference Map 1.2 in Chapter 1 of the eText. For specifics on formatting please ask your instructor.

How to Navigate your eText

There are six chapters of this eText, each corresponding to the six Modules of the course. In the upper left hand corner, select “Contents,” and choose which Module’s chapter to read.