Lección 1: La familia

Diagram of family tree.
A family tree diagram visually represents the relationships among family members across generations, typically starting with the oldest ancestors at the top and branching downwards to the youngest descendants. Each branch connects individuals to their parents, siblings, and children, illustrating the lineage and connections within the family.

Árbol genealógico

Español English
abuelo grandfather
abuela grandmother
tío uncle
tía aunt
padre father
madre mother
primo male cousin
prima female cousin
hermano mayor older male sibling
hermana menor younger female sibling
sobrino nephew
sobrina niece
esposo husband
esposa wife
hijo son
hija daughter
nieto grandson
nieta granddaughter

Las mascotas

el caballo, (horse)
el gato, (cat)
el pájaro, (bird)
el perro, (dog)
el pez, (fish)
el ratón, (mouse)

Vocabulario adicional

La familia Family
el/la gemelo/a twin
el/la hermano/a (menor/mayor) (younger/older) brother/sister
el/la hermanastro/a stepbrother/sister
el/la hijastro/a stepson/daughter
el/la hijo/a único/a only child
la madrastra stepmother
el/la novio/a boy/girlfriend
el medio/a hermano/a half-brother/sister
el padrastro stepfather
la pareja partner, couple
el pariente relative
Expresiones Expressions
estar casado/a to be married
estar divorciado/a to be divorced
ser soltero/a to be single
me llevo bien (mal) con I (don’t) get along with

Nota cultural

In most Spanish-speaking countries, people have two last names (apellidos). Usually, the first is their father’s first last name and the second is the mother’s first last name. For example, José Martín Ojeda and Lucila Gómez Sánchez have a son, Ignacio. Their son’s full name would be Ignacio Martín Gómez.

Spain has passed a law which allows the parents to decide the order.


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