Lección 1: La familia

Árbol genealógico
Español | English |
abuelo | grandfather |
abuela | grandmother |
tío | uncle |
tía | aunt |
padre | father |
madre | mother |
primo | male cousin |
prima | female cousin |
hermano mayor | older male sibling |
hermana menor | younger female sibling |
sobrino | nephew |
sobrina | niece |
esposo | husband |
esposa | wife |
hijo | son |
hija | daughter |
nieto | grandson |
nieta | granddaughter |
Las mascotas

Vocabulario adicional
La familia | Family |
el/la gemelo/a | twin |
el/la hermano/a (menor/mayor) | (younger/older) brother/sister |
el/la hermanastro/a | stepbrother/sister |
el/la hijastro/a | stepson/daughter |
el/la hijo/a único/a | only child |
la madrastra | stepmother |
el/la novio/a | boy/girlfriend |
el medio/a hermano/a | half-brother/sister |
el padrastro | stepfather |
la pareja | partner, couple |
el pariente | relative |
Expresiones | Expressions |
estar casado/a | to be married |
estar divorciado/a | to be divorced |
ser soltero/a | to be single |
me llevo bien (mal) con | I (don’t) get along with |
Nota cultural
In most Spanish-speaking countries, people have two last names (apellidos). Usually, the first is their father’s first last name and the second is the mother’s first last name. For example, José Martín Ojeda and Lucila Gómez Sánchez have a son, Ignacio. Their son’s full name would be Ignacio Martín Gómez.
Spain has passed a law which allows the parents to decide the order.