Lección 1: El origen

¿De dónde eres tú?
To talk about where you are from, use the following expressions:
Español | English |
De dónde eres? / ¿De dónde es usted? | Where are you from? (informal/ formal) |
Soy de + (ciudad / país) | I am from + (city / country) |
Nací en… | I was born in… |
Crecí en… | I grew up in… |
Vivo en… | I live in… |
Mira el video para ver más ejemplos: Coffee Break Spanish: ¿De dónde eres?
Los pronombres
The following pronouns are used to refer to people.
Español | English |
yo | I |
tú | you (fam.) |
usted | you (pol.) |
él | he |
ella | she |
nosotros/nosotras | we |
vosotros/vosotras | you (fam.) |
ustedes | you (pol.) |
ellos | they |
ellas | they |
In Spanish, there are five ways to express you: tú, usted, vos, vosotros, and ustedes. Determining which pronoun to use depends upon the country, the number of people you are addressing, and how well you know them.
Pronombres | Número | Formalida | Dónde de usa |
tú | singular | informal | Todos los países hispanos |
usted | singular | formal | Todos los países hispanos |
vos | singular | informal/formal | Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Costa Rica, y en regiones de Chile, Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, El Salvador, Guatemala, México, y Cuba |
vosotros | plural | informal | España |
ustedes | plural | informal (Am. Lat.) formal (España) | Todos los países hispanos |
El verbo ser
You will use the verb ser (to be) to tell where someone is from. It is also used to identify people or things.
Español | English |
¿De dónde eres tú? | Where are you from? |
Yo soy Daniela. | I am Daniela. |
Él es mi amigo. | He is my friend. |
You learned to use these pronouns when telling what someone’s name is. You will also use them with the verb ser. The form of the verb changes depending on who does the action. This is known as conjugating.
Español | English |
yo soy | I am |
tú eres | you are, familiar |
usted es | you are, formal |
él/ella es | he/she is |
nosotros/as somos | we are |
vosotros/as sois | you all are |
ustedes son | you all are |
ellos/ellas son | they are |
Because the form is different for each subject, Spanish speakers do not use the pronoun with the conjugated verb unless it is necessary for clarification.
Español | English |
¿Eres de Cuba? | Are you from Cuba? |
Soy de Buenos Aires. | I am from Buenos Aires. |
Los números (0-31)
Español | Números |
cero | 0 |
uno | 1 |
dos | 2 |
tres | 3 |
cuatro | 4 |
cinco | 5 |
seis | 6 |
siete | 7 |
ocho | 8 |
nueve | 9 |
diez | 10 |
once | 11 |
doce | 12 |
trece | 13 |
catorce | 14 |
quince | 15 |
dieciséis | 16 |
diecisiete | 17 |
dieciocho | 18 |
diecinueve | 19 |
veinte | 20 |
veintiuno | 21 |
veintidós | 22 |
veintitrés | 23 |
veinticuatro | 24 |
veinticinco | 25 |
veintiséis | 26 |
veintisiete | 27 |
veintiocho | 28 |
veintinueve | 29 |
treinta | 30 |
treinta y uno | 31 |