Lección 2: Los verbos con cambios radicales
You have already seen that some verbs have changes in the stem. There are other verbs that have similar changes, including some of the reflexive verbs. Remember that the vowel does not change in the nosotros or vosotros forms.
Verbos con cambios e → ie
The following verbs with an e in the stem change to ie, just like preferir and querer.
despertarse (to wake up)
Singular |
Plural |
me despierto |
nos despertamos |
te despiertas |
os despertáis |
se despierta |
se despiertan |
empezar (to begin)
Singular |
Plural |
empiezo |
empezamos |
empiezas |
empezáis |
empieza |
empiezan |
pensar (to think)
Singular |
Plural |
pienso |
pensamos |
piensas |
pensáis |
piensa |
piensan |
The verb pensar can be used to talk about something someone plans to do.
Español |
English |
Pienso cenar con mis amigos esta noche. |
I plan to eat dinner with my friends tonight. |
Verbos con cambios e → i
There are some verbs that have an e in the stem that change to an i. These verbs always end in -ir.
vestirse (to get dressed)
Singular |
Plural |
me visto |
nos vestimos |
te vistes |
os vestís |
se viste |
se visten |
Verbos con cambios o → ue
Some verbs with an o in the stem change to a ue, just like the verb poder. In addition, the u in the verb jugar changes to ue.
acostarse (to go to bed)
Singular |
Plural |
me acuesto |
nos acostamos |
te acuestas |
os acostáis |
se acuesta |
se acuestan |
almorzar (to eat lunch)
Singular |
Plural |
almuerzo |
almorzamos |
almuerzas |
almorzáis |
almuerza |
almuerzan |
dormir (to sleep)
Singular |
Plural |
duermo |
dormimos |
duermes |
dormís |
duerme |
duermen |
jugar (to play)
Singular |
Plural |
juego |
jugamos |
juegas |
jugamos |
juega |
juegan |
volver (to return)
Singular |
Plural |
vuelvo |
volvamos |
vuelves |
volváis |
vuelve |
vuelven |