Lección 1: La rutina diaria

Vocabulario: En el baño

En el baño In the bathroom
el champú shampoo
el despertador alarm clock
el espejo mirror
el jabón soap
la pasta de dientes toothpaste
el secador hair dryer
la toalla towel

¡Hola! Soy Paulina. Normalmente me ducho por la noche y me seco el pelo. Por la mañana me levanto a las ocho de la mañana y me arreglo rápido. Después de tomar un café me cepillo los dientes y salgo para la universidad.

A young smiling women with long light brown hair.

The following verbs are commonly used to describe one’s routine.

La rutina diaria Daily routine
almorzar (ue) to have lunch
acostarse (ue) to go to bed, to lie down
afeitarse to shave
arreglarse to get ready
bañarse to bathe
cenar to eat dinner
cepillarse (los dientes, el pelo) to brush (one’s teeth, hair)
despertarse (ie) to wake up
dormir (ue) to sleep
ducharse to shower
lavarse (el pelo, la cara, las manos) to wash (one’s hair, face, hands)
levantarse to get up
maquillarse to put make up on
peinarse to comb one’s hair
ponerse (la ropa) to put on (clothing)
quitarse (la ropa) to take off (clothing)
relajarse to relax
secarse to dry off
vestirse (i) to get dressed

You will notice that many of them have se at the end. These verbs are known as reflexive verbs and indicate that the person(s) doing the action is also receiving the action. In other words, they are doing something to themselves.

La conjugación

Reflexive verbs are conjugated in the same manner as other verbs; however, they also have a reflexive pronoun.

Singular Plural
me lavo nos lavamos
te lavas os laváis
se lava se lavan

Notice that the reflexive pronoun is placed in front of the conjugated verb.

Español English
Mi esposo se levanta a las seis. My husband gets up at six.
Mis hijos se ponen los uniformes. My children put on uniforms.


When using a reflexive verb as an infinitive, the reflexive pronoun is attached to the end; however, it is necessary to change the pronoun to the appropriate form.

Español English
¿Vas a lavarte el pelo? Are you going to wash your hair?
Quiero cepillarme los dientes ahora. I want to brush my teeth now.

Notice that it is not necessary to use a possessive adjective with a reflexive verb.

Mira el video para ver cómo se conjuga los verbos reflexivos.

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