
The modifications from APA Style Citations include:

  • Adapting all information to Chicago citation style
  • All chapters about identifying source types (“How Do I Know The Source Is …?”): changed the examples to History related examples
  • Added new Chapter “About Primary Sources”
  • Chapter “Activity: Which Source Type is This?”: changed the examples to History related examples; replaced the Trade Article example with a Reference Book example
  • Chapter “Two Types of Citation”: replaced image with new image; introduced footnotes/endnotes and bibliography
  • Added new chapter “What is a Footnote or Endnote?”
  • Changed chapter “What is a Reference List” to “What is a Bibliography?”
  • Combined Parts Three (Reference List Citations) and Four (In-Text Citations) on creating citations into one Part (footnotes and bibliographic entries together) and replaced all examples with History related examples:
    • Creating Citations: Journal Article
    • Creating Citations: Reference Book Entry
    • Creating Reference List Citations: Webpages
    • Creating Reference List Citations: Books/ebooks
      • all H5P activities adapted to Chicago Style
  • Chapter “What is an In-Text Citation”: removed
  • Part Five “How it All Works Together”: removed


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Chicago Manual of Style by Ulrike Kestler and Sigrid Kargut is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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