Bibliography and Media Attributions



Allen, John A. Rocky Mountain Glaciers from Peyto Glacier to Kicking Horse River. 193-. 1 mile to 5 miles. Internet Archive, Topographic Maps. Added August 5, 2021.

Ball, R. G. Earl, Letter: 1917 August 1st. World War One Collections. The Canadian Letters & Images Project, August 1, 1917.

Beausejour. Group of Women. 1911. Postcard, sepia, 9 x 14 cm. Peel’s Prairie Provinces, Postcard Collection.

Bonspille-Boileau, Sonia, dir. The Oka Legacy. CBC Radio Canada, 2015.

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business. “Indigenous Women Entrepreneurship Fund.” Accessed November 22, 2021.

Dacks, Gurston. “Implementing First Nations Self-Government in Yukon: Lessons for Canada.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 37, no. 3 (2004): 671–94. JSTOR.

DeJong, David H. The Commissioners of Indian Affairs: The United States Indian Service and the Making of Federal Indian Policy, 1824-2007. Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press, 2020. Proquest.

French, David. “Passchendale, Battle of, 1917.” In The Oxford Companion to British History, edited by John Cannon and Robert Crowcroft. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2015. Credo Reference.

Glassford, Sarah. “Volunteering in the First and Second World War.” War Time Canada.  2021.

Gurzon, J.R. “The First Outbreak of Minamata Disease & its Consequences.” The Emergent Historian 8 (Spring/Summer 2021): 10-18.

Humphries, Mark Osborne. A Weary Road: Shell Shock in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.

Keil, Andre. “The National Council for Civil Liberties and the British State During the First World War, 1916-1919.” The English Historical Review 134, no. 568 (June  2019): 620-45.

Kelly-Scott, Karen, and Arriagada, Paula.  Aboriginal Peoples: Fact Sheet for British Columbia. Statistics Canada, 2016.

Kim, Jaymelee J. “Perspectives from the Ground: Colonial Bureaucratic Violence, Identity, and Transitional Justice in Canada.” Conflict and Society 4, no. 1 (2018): 116-34. https://doi:10.3167/arcs.2018.040110.

King, C. Richard. “Indian Activism.” In Encyclopedia of American Studies, edited by Simon Bronner. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018. Credo Reference.

Legacy of Hope Foundation. “Where are the Children?: Healing the Legacy of the Residential Schools.” Accessed May 20, 2021.

Macdougall, Brenda. One of the Family: Metis Culture in Nineteenth-century Northwestern Saskatchewan. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2010.

Miller, Howard. I’ll Be a Long, Long Way from Home: A New Canadian Patriotic Song. 1916. Peel’s Prairie Provinces.

Nowell, Iris. Painters Eleven: The Wild Ones of Canadian Art. Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 2010.

Platiel, Rudy.  The Globe and Mail (1936-2017), September 4, 1990.

Powell, Jay. “First Nations Languages.” In Encyclopedia of British Columbia, edited by Daniel Francis. Accessed November 22, 2021. KnowBC.

Siedschlaw, Kurt D.  “Respect for the Indian Child Welfare Act and Its Reflection on Tribal Sovereignty.” In  Traditional, National, and International Law and Indigenous Communities, edited by Nielsen Marianne O. and Jarratt-Snider Karen,  Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020.



Media Attributions (in sequence as they appear)

Silhouette Head Bookshelf Knowledge” by Gerd Altmann is licensed under Pixabay Licence, no attribution required.

Write To Study Studies Book” by janeb13 is licensed under Pixabay Licence, no attribution required.

The Chicago Manual of Style” by the University of Chicago Press is all rights reserved.

[I’ll be a long, long way from home]” is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution – Non-Commercial – Creative Commons license.

[Group of women]” is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution – Non-Commercial – Creative Commons license.

[Rocky Mountain Glaciers from Peyto Glacier to Kicking Horse River]” is licensed by University of Alberta Libraries under the Attribution – Non-Commercial – Creative Commons license.

“[Book cover for Painters Eleven by Iris Nowell]” by Douglas & McIntyre is all rights reserved.

“[Wordcloud for various types of sources]“ by University of Alberta Library’s APA Style Citation Tutorial is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International.

write-writer-type-machine-creative-idea” by mohamed hassan is licensed under CC0 1.0 International.

[Calendar Months]” by unknown author is licensed under CC0 1.0 International.

stack-of-food-books-2” by Cannelle is licensed under CC BY 4.0 International.

512px-Internet2” by Fabio Lanari is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 International.



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