9 Activity: Which Source Type Is This?

Activity 1

Screenshot saying "KnowBC.com" on top and a search box; underneath is a banner with various tabs (KnowBC Home, subscribe, encyclopedias, history, etc.); left is a column with links (EBC Home, subjects, index, about the EBC, using the EBC, etc); mid section says: You are her: Home - Encyclopedia of BC - First Nations Languages; underneath is an excerpt with the title "First Nations Languages"; to the right is a search box with the label "Search Encyclopedia of BC"




Activity 2

Screenshot: URL is https://www.ccab.com/indigenous-women-entrepreneurship-fund/; top left says Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business; top banner shows various tabs (about, news, etc); title says "indigenous women entrepreneurship fund; short text on the fund and a picture of a woman standing in a cafe holding a tablet


Activity 3

Sreenshot: top left says JSTOR and a search box; left says "journal article: Implementing First Nations Self-Government in Yukon: Lessons for Canada", Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 37, No 3 (Sep. 2004), pp. 671-694; stable URL https://www.jstor.org/stable/25165696; screenshot also shows short excerpt of first page with same title, author information (Gurston Dacks, University of Alberta)


Activity 4

Cover showing four people; writing says: One of the family, Metis culture in nineteenth century Northwestern Saskatchewan; Brenda Macdougall; second part showing screenshot with copyright date and cataloguing information



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