88 Summary — Physical Geology – 2nd Edition

Figure A
  • Draw a line on the map to show approximately where the plate boundary is situated.
  • In which directions are the plates moving, and where in the world might this be?
  • Earthquakes are relatively common along the mid-ocean ridges. At what type of plate boundary do most such quakes occur?
  • The northward motion of the Pacific Plate relative to the North America Plate takes place along two major transform faults. What are they called?
  • Why is earthquake damage likely to be more severe for buildings built on unconsolidated sediments as opposed to solid rock?
  • Why are fires common during earthquakes?
  • What type of earthquake is likely to lead to a tsunami?
  • What did we learn about earthquake prediction from the 2004 Parkfield earthquake?
  • What are some of the things we should know about an area in order to help minimize the impacts of an earthquake?
  • What is the difference between earthquake prediction and forecasting?

Answers to Review Questions can be found in Appendix 2.

Media Attributions

  • Figure A: © Steven Earle. CC BY.


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ACC Physical Geology by Mark Leatherman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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